Restaurant Arche Nova · Kasseler Str. 1a · D-60486 Frankfurt · Fon: +49 (0) 69 707 58 59

A warm welcome

I’d like to warmly welcome you to my »Arche Nova« – at least to the virtual one for a start. Of course I would much prefer to shake your hand and welcome you personally.

Unfortunately, the internet is not yet so advanced that you can enjoy the aroma of my cooking online. But you can take a look around and browse through our picture gallery and our menu.

And when your mouth waters, please give us a call and book your table.

I am looking forward to seeing you.
Yours Bijan Mohammadi

The kitchen of Persia

If one were to describe Persia as a recipe, the ingedients would probably be as follows: The scenery and climatic variety of a large country spiced with warm hospitality, tolerance and openness for everything new.

­Despite or perhaps because of the varied history of the old Persian empire Persian cuisine is unique. To this day art of the Persian cuisine has not lost its authenticity.

As regards taste, the dishes are similar to those of India and the Far East, however not nearly as hot but very spicy and aromatic.

Mittagskarte (11:30 – 15:00 Uhr)

aktuell Dienstag & Donnerstag


Kartoffel-Möhrentopf vegetarisch 9.00€
Große Terrine Kartoffel-Möhrencrémesuppe mit gerösteten Sonnenblumenkernen und frischen Kräutern
Spätzle vegetarisch 11.00 €
mit Paprika, Möhren und Erbsen in Safran-Kräutersauce, darauf Röstzwiebeln
Thai-Pfanne  13.80 €
Hähnchenbrustfilet mit Gemüse und Ananas in Erdnuss-Kokos-Chilisauce (nicht scharf), dazu Basmatireis 
Bunter Salatteller  13.80 €
mit gebratenem Hähnchenbrustfilet, Champignons und Kräutern, dazu unser Hausdressing
Pasta-Kombi vegetarisch 13.80 €
Gnocchi Napoli, Penne mit Spinat in Safransauce, Spaghetti al Pesto, Parmesan


Kaspischer Auflauf  20.00 €
Rinderhackfleisch, Auberginen, Paprika und Kartoffeln in Tomatensauce mit Schafskäse überbacken, dazu Salatbouquet
To the menu

The Restaurant

On the southern edge of the Bockenheim district of Frankfurt, near the Westbahnhof railway station, is the Eco-House, which is also home to the restaurant »Arche Nova«.

A little bit of background knowledge about this unusual building can be found on the pages of the City of Frankfurt.

A lot of glass and green dominate not only our restaurant, but the whole building. The then still unusual and groundbreaking objectives such as ecology, building biology, economy and suitability for everyday use have proven themselves since the building was constructed in 1992.

The special atmosphere created by a variety of plants in our restaurant is reminiscent of a green oasis and encourages relaxation and enjoyment.

We would like to spoil you with light, fresh dishes at moderate prices. My Persian roots give the kitchen an oriental touch.

Enjoyment for all senses

Our food offer is waiting for you

Salad plate 

Large colourful salad plate from the buffet

Large starter plate 

Baked feta cheese, eggplant mousse, tzaziki, samosas, curry sauce, falafel, spinach-cinnamon yoghurt

Four seasons 

Marinated chicken breast fillet pieces on eggplant mousse, cucumber and mint yoghurt and melted herb tomatoes

Reserve now

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You are also welcome to make a reservation by phone at +49 (0) 69 707 58 59.